Two New Plaques on the Veteran’s Wall of Honor

On Saturday, June 18, two new plaques were mounted on the Veteran’s Wall of Honor; one for HSW member H.A. Tuck and one for Jerry Alan Skinner, the father of HSW member Randy Skinner. These are the first two plaques of the MAAF museum era and we are proud to add them to the more than 1,000 plaques already on display.

If you, or someone you know has a friend or loved one to honor, please contact Greg Gutting ( for more information about a plaque.

Henry A. Tuck, Jr. and Jerry Alan Skinner, our two newest honorees.

Henry A. Tuck, Jr. and Jerry Alan Skinner, our two newest honorees.

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Hobbs Fly-In a Success

On Saturday, June 18, eight HSW aircraft went wheels up at about 0830 hrs for a trip to Hobbs, NM for a fly-in (a show off for us).  There were quite a few aircraft at the fly-in and a lot of spectators.  Another opportunity for the HSW to strut our stuff and spread the word about our wing and our mission.  Thanks to all who participated.

Click on the link for a very short clip of aircraft returning to MAAF


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SNJ 135 Video

Sam Strahan provided this video. Videographer unknown?


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Memorial Day Observance Draws a Big Crowd

The HSW annual Memorial Day Observance once again drew a big crowd.  Estimates of visitors to our campus on Monday were in excess of 400.  Thanks to all who made the event a success. (A special thanks to Barbara Bevins for the great photography)

The Missing Man formation caps off another Memorial Day ceremony.

The Missing Man formation caps off another Memorial Day ceremony.

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Sweetwater Fly-in

On Saturday, May 28th, HSW took six planes to Sweetwater to participate in the Memorial Day Observance sponsored by the WASP Museum.

Pilots Daniel Rathbun and Parker Rathbun line up for a "strafing run" on the C-45 during the Sweetwater trip.

Pilots Daniel Rathbun and Parker Rathbun line up for a “strafing run” on the C-45 during the Sweetwater trip.

101 returns to Midland after the Sweetwater fly-in.
101 returns to Midland after the Sweetwater fly-in.





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