Flight Deck Veterans Group has restored the combat veteran F-14 Tomcat “Fast Eagle 102”
PRESS RELEASE — The F-14 Tomcat “Fast Eagle 102” is the sole surviving aircraft from the air-to-air battle and shoot down of two Libyan Su-22 Fitter aircraft on August 19, 1981.
While on deployment with the USS Nimitz battle group off the Libyan coast, two VF-41 Black Aces F-14A Tomcats encountered two Libyan SU-22 “Fitters” while on a routine combat patrol over the Gulf of Sidra.
Fast Eagle 102, one of the two F-14 Tomcats on the deck of the USS Nimitz immediately following the incident
The VF-41 Tomcats, call signs “Fast Eagle 102” and “Fast Eagle 107,” engaged in a dogfight with the SU-22s shooting down both Libyan jets. The dogfight between the Tomcats and Fitters marked the first Navy air combat confrontation since the Vietnam War and the first ever for the F-14A Tomcat. It was also the first time a variable wing geometry aircraft shot down another variable wing geometry aircraft. “Fast Eagle 102” (BuNo 160403) was credited with the first kill.
The sole surviving aircraft from this engagement “Fast Eagle 102” is now located at the Midland Army Air Field Museum of the Commemorative Air Force’s (CAF) High Sky Wing in Midland, Texas.
On July 27, 2016, The Flight Deck Veterans Group (FDVG) began the much anticipated restoration project on the F-14 Tomcat “Fast Eagle 102” and returned the aircraft to its former glory. The FDVG members, who were eager and excited to restore the F-14, worked passionately to preserve naval aviation history.
VF-41 Tomcat call sign “Fast Eagle 102” prior to restoration.

“Fast Eagle 102” after restoration by the Flight Deck Veterans Group; now on display at the Midland Army Air Field Museum.
The CAF High Sky Wing and The Flight Deck Veterans Group unveiled “Fast Eagle 102” at AIRSHO 2016, in Midland, Texas. In attendance were a number of crew members of the USS Nimitz and Read Admiral (USNRET) David Venlet, who was the backseater on the historic mission.
The CAF High Sky Wing is accepting donations to help defray the costs of the restoration project on “Fast Eagle 102”. Donations can be made out to CAF High Sky Wing.
Please send donations to CAF High Sky Wing F-14 Project, P.O. Box 61064, Midland. TX 79711.
For more information contact Bill Coombes: snj24@att.net