Thunderbird Advance Team Arrives at MAF

The HSW provided a good turn-out to greet Major Scott Petz of the Thunderbirds, when he arrived in Midland for a pre-Airsho inspection on Tuesday, Feb 1

The HSW staff and others await the arrival of Thunderbird #8

HSW staff members, and others, await the arrival of Thunderbird #8

Thunderbird Plane 8 arrives at MAF, with a flourish.
Thunderbird #8 arrives at MAF, with a flourish.

Pilot and Crew Chief helmets "Ready to Go"

Pilot and Crew Chief helmets “Ready to Go”

Major Scott Petz, Thunderbird Advance Pilot and Show Narrator, provides a media interview upon his arrival at MAF.

Major Scott Petz, Thunderbird Advance Pilot and Show Narrator, provides a media interview upon his arrival at MAF.

Bill Coombes chats up the media.

Bill Coombes chats up the media.

Bob Keating getting the "skinny" on maintenance on the F-16 from the Crew Chief. (Of course, he could be correcting the Crew Chief on some minor infraction!)

Bob Keating getting the “skinny” on maintenance on the F-16 from the Crew Chief. (Of course, he could be correcting the Crew Chief on some minor infraction!)


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Hops & Props 2015

For Hops & Props information and to purchase tickets


Hops & Props logo 2015_HNP



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Party Shots

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Awards Banquet 2015

Colonel of the Year Michael Clinton accepts his award from Wing Leader Gena Linebarger.

Colonel of the Year Michael Clinton accepts his award from Wing Leader Gena Linebarger.

Spirit of the Eagle winner Brent Collins accepts his award from Wing Leader Gena Linebarger.
Spirit of the Eagle winner Brent Collins accepts his award from Wing Leader Gena Linebarger.

2015 HSW Staff: (L) Brent Collins, Adjutant; Randy Skinner, Executive Officer; Michael Clinton, Maintenance Officer; Steve Bolin, Finance Officer; Steve Clinton, Operations Officer; Gena Linebarger, Wing Leader.

2015 HSW Staff: (L) Brent Collins, Adjutant; Randy Skinner, Executive Officer; Michael Clinton, Maintenance Officer; Steve Bolin, Finance Officer; Steve Clinton, Operations Officer; Gena Linebarger, Wing Leader.



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HSW Sleigh Rides

With four nights down and four to go, the High Sky Wing’s first Christmas light flights are off to a tremendous success.  The community response has been resoundingly positive as all of the scheduled flights have been sold out for days.  Thank you to all of the HSW elves that have helped make this inaugural event so impressive.  Step aside Rudolph, the HSW C-45 will guide the sleigh tonight.

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