For more information, click on the Hops & Props tab at top of page.
The February Wing meeting took place last night in the Gunfighter Pub, and if you weren’t there you missed out on some good information.
In addition to the usual Officer reports, Education Officer Greg Gutting made a brief presentation about “Kilroy was here” (Grades earned on the quiz were not released.); Wing Leader Brent Collins addressed questions and concerns about the potential move from the Commemorative Center; and Executive Officer Michael Clinton presented a (very)rough draft of a revised High Sky Wing logo. If you have some ideas for a new logo, please contact Michael or one of the other staff officers. It is still an idea in development and could use your input.
Development Officer Gena Linebarger, who is also the chairperson for Airsho, announced that Anadarko Petroleum has signed a contract to be the presenting sponsor of Airsho for the next few years. This is great news and allows Gena and her committee members to charge full steam ahead for the Sept 15-16, 2018 Airsho.
Gena also brought everyone up to date on Hops ‘n Props, which is happening on April 7th. If you haven’t yet signed up on the duty roster for that event, contact Gena to find out where you are needed.
HSW staff will be attending the Wing Staff Conference in Dallas from March 1-4 and is looking forward to bringing back information that will help us move onward and upward.
The HSW performed a flyover for the opening of the George W. Bush art exhibit at the Museum of the Southwest on Saturday, Jan 20th. Three T-6’s, a Navion and the C-45 participated. Thanks to pilots, passengers and ground crew for making it a success.
The museum will be closed on Dec 23rd and Dec 30th. It will reopen for its normal Saturday hours on Jan 6th 2018.
Merry Christmas and have a safe and happy New Year.
The Christmas Night Flights continue this week with eight flights each evening. At the last check there were only a few individual seats remaining. Call 432-703-3142 to make a reservation.
Here are some shots from Tuesday: