July 4th Fly-over a big success

A very large crowd at Centennial Plaza in downtown Midland watched in admiration as the HSW conducted a fly-over to highlight the Star Spangled Salute celebration yesterday evening.  The flights consisted of Bill Coombes and Jason Cooper in Bill’s SNJ, Randy Wilson and Keegan Chetwynd in the T-28, Daniel Rathburn and Parker Rathburn in SNJ 101, Alan Haskin and Ryan Linebarger in PT-19, Robin Donnelly in his LC-126, and Steve Bolin and Kris Green in the L-39 Albatros.

While 10 yr old Mackenzie Walker of Lubbock belted out a great version of the Star Spangled Banner, the wing’s time over target was just about perfect.  Thanks to Bill Coombes for organizing this wing event and thanks to all who participated, including those support personnel who gave up part of their holiday to help out.

Click on this link for a short video of the fly-over:

7-4-14 Fly-over


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Tuskegee Airmen a Big Part of Memorial Day Ceremony

Tuskeegee Airmen Dr Granville Coggs (L) and Mr. Theodore Johnson addressed the large crowd at the Commemorative Center Hangar during the Memorial Day Ceremony.

Tuskegee Airmen Dr Granville Coggs (L) and Mr. Theodore Johnson addressed the large crowd at the Commemorative Center Hangar during the Memorial Day Ceremony.

Congressman and Mrs. Mike Conaway were present and Congressman Conaway gave a very moving tribute.

Congressman and Mrs. Mike Conaway were present and Congressman Conaway gave a very moving tribute.

There was a large crowd for today's ceremony.

There was a large crowd for today’s ceremony.

HSW members (L to R) Lyle Thornton, Jerry Perales, Brent Collins and Bobby Meroney view the media presentation (produced by Michael Clinton) at our recruiting table.

HSW members (L to R) Lyle Thornton, Jerry Perales, Brent Collins and Bobby Meroney view the media presentation (produced by Michael Clinton) at our recruiting table.

HSW members Bob Keating (center) and Bobby Meroney (right) visit with Tuskeegee Airman Mr. Theodore Johnson.

HSW members Bob Keating (center) and Bobby Meroney (right) visit with Tuskegee Airman Mr. Theodore Johnson.

Today’s Memorial Day Ceremony was highlighted by the presence of two Tuskegee Airmen, Dr. Granville Coggs and Mr. Theodore Johnson, who talked about their World War II experiences.  Additionally, there was a presentation by Honor Flight of the Permian Basin which made us aware of the pending flight to Washington, D.C. in September. They are still in need of funding and had set up a table selling shirts and raffle tickets for a chance to win a .22 cal Henry rifle (drawing to be held on 11/11/14).

HSW members organized and sold lunch, and while I have been told that it was very profitable, the final numbers aren’t in yet.  The recruiting table signed up two members, and gave applications to several more.  This is the first occasion we have had to utilize both Michael Clinton’s media presentation and our new aircraft brochures.  Both were well accepted.

Thanks to Gena Linebarger and the wing staff for insuring that this event was once more a success.  And a special thanks to all of those who pitched in on Saturday for clean-up and set-up, and today for serving and tear down.  HSW members continue to prove everyday what a great wing we have!  Keep up the good work!

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Memorial Day Schedule of Events

10 a.m. CAF Airpower Museum Opens, FREE Admission
Includes the new exhibit saluting the 15th Air Force through the photos of
Midland native Harvey Herd

11 a.m. Memorial Day Ceremony – Commemorative Center
National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, Texas Medal of Honor Induction,
Congressman Mike Conaway, Tuskegee Airmen Dr. Granville Coggs and Theodore Johnson,
Flyover from CAF High Sky Wing aircraft

NOON Commemorative Center
B-17 “Flying Fortress” Sentimental Journey will be open for tours ($5 donation)

12:15 p.m. Lunch Available – Commemorative Center
  Hotdog, chips and tea or water: $4.00

Hamburger, beans, chips and tea or water: $7.00
Served by the CAF High Sky Wing

1 p.m. Tuskegee Airmen Presentation – Commemorative Center
Join special guests Dr. Granville Coggs and Mr. Theodore Johnson as they talk about their
World War II experiences training and serving with the famous Tuskegee Airmen

1 – 3 p.m. Family Activities – Main Hangar
Open cockpit airplanes, face painting with Greenie the Clown,
Harlan “The Balloon Guy,” and vintage cartoons

4 p.m. CAF Airpower Museum Closes

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HSW Members enjoyed their volunteer duties at Hops ‘n Props

Hops ‘n Props last Saturday night was held in the Commemorative Center Hangar and was a big success.  HSW volunteers shadowed most of the HQ and Museum Staff so that we will be ready to take over the event next year.  Many thanks to all who participated.

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N79AG Assigned to High Sky Wing

The Beech Model D18S, which was recently brought to Midland by members of the High Sky Wing from the defunct New Mexico Wing, was officially assigned to the High Sky Wing last week.  The plans are for it to be brought up to flying status and then to be used for the rides program.  As a part of this transaction, the Stinson S105 Voyager (N23784) and Fairchild J2K (N81348) will be reassigned.

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