Halloween Visitors

The HSW had some unexpected visitors on Halloween morning.  This visit was definitely a treat for those working at the wing this morning.

The HSW had some unexpected visitors on Halloween morning. This visit was definitely a treat for those working at the wing this morning.

Stearman owned by David Fields, piloted by Phillip Goforth.

Stearman owned by David Fields, piloted by Phillip Goforth.

Stearman piloted by HSW member Stephen Beal.

Stearman piloted by HSW member Stephen Beal.

Stearman owned/piloted by HSW member Gregg Baiano, co-pilot HSW member Daniel Rathburn.

Stearman owned/piloted by HSW member Gregg Baiano, co-pilot HSW member Daniel Rathburn.

(Sorry, Sam, but the Aztec just couldn’t compete with these beauties)

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Saturday at the Wing

It's just another Saturday at the HSW.

It’s just another Saturday at the HSW.

Mark Haskin adding some elbow grease.

Mark Haskin adding some elbow grease.

The Midland Army Air Field Museum is starting to take shape, thanks to the efforts of many HSW members, and especially "ramrod" Brent Collins.

The Midland Army Air Field Museum is starting to take shape, thanks to the efforts of many HSW members, and especially “ramrod” Brent Collins.

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Member Ride Day Saturday, October 17

Lots of folks turned out for what is becoming an annual event this past Saturday.  Thanks to all the pilots and maintenance members who gave of their time to provide some fun for those of us who are normally bound to the earth.  One big drawing card was the catered lunch provided by the gentleman who purchased our cook trailer last year.  It was a feast that many could not finish…prime rib, lamb, sausage, beans, potato salad…yum!

John Echols and Alan Haskin and his beautiful kids guard the gate during Member Ride Day.

John Echols and Alan Haskin and his beautiful kids guard the gate during Member Ride Day.


Members Mike Hedrick and Robin Donnelly discuss the finer points of county government...or the oil business...or the landing characteristics of a Cessna 195...or whatever.  They were just two of the many members who took advantage of the great weather to join in on Member Ride Day on Saturday.

Members Mike Hedrick and Robin Donnelly discuss the finer points of county government…or the oil business…or the landing characteristics of a Cessna 195…or whatever. They were just two of the many members who took advantage of the great weather to join in on Member Ride Day on Saturday.

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2015 AIRSHO Photo Review

By popular demand, HSW Films is proud to post the 2015 AIRSHO Review video that was produced for the membership to recap the efforts and highlights of this year’s AIRSHO.

Grab your popcorn, sit back and re-live the madness.

2015 AIRSHO Review (Web)

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Midland Army Airfield Museum is a work in progress.

Work on the MAAF Museum, scheduled for a grand opening on Feb 6, 2016, is progressing right on schedule. While the number of people helping has been encouraging, still more are needed.  Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings, you can be a big help by nailing, painting, hauling, cleaning, etc. Brent Collins, H.A. Tuck, Bill Coombes, Paul Cooper, Paul 2.0, or Lyle Thornton (just some of the folks who are pitching in) will be happy to get you started.

Congratulations to all of the HSW members who are working to make this a reality.

Congratulations to all of the HSW members who are working to make this a reality.

The glider will be hung from the roof with care.  A dramatic display for patrons upon entering the MAAF Museum.

The glider will be hung from the roof with care. A dramatic display for patrons upon entering the MAAF Museum.

The C-54 has found a home.

The C-54 has found a home.

Fortress without a roof display was in good shape for AIRSHO and more improvements are to come.

Fortress without a roof display was in good shape for AIRSHO and more improvements are to come.

A mess in progress.

A mess in progress.

Bill Coombes and Paul Cooper work hard to get everything just right.

Bill Coombes and Paul Cooper work hard to get everything just right.

Brent Collins takes a much deserved break after working hard on the new museum.

Brent Collins takes a much deserved break after working hard on the new museum.

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