She’s Baaaaack!


FIFI blew into town the other day and is currently in the Commemorative Center hangar undergoing some maintenance.

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Hangar Shotz 7/26/14

Bent to the task: Lyle Thornton and Bob Keating working hard.

Bent to the task: Lyle Thornton and Bob Keating working hard.


Saturday visitors enjoy our airplanes.

Saturday visitors enjoy our airplanes.

John Meyer, Lyle Thornton and Brent Collins work on a "newly discovered" hydraulic lift.

John Meyer, Lyle Thornton and Brent Collins work on a “newly discovered” hydraulic lift.

The kind of smile we like to see on the faces of our young visitors. Any guesses on whose knee brace that is on the right side?

The kind of smile we like to see on the faces of our young visitors. Any guesses as to whose knee brace that is on the right side?

Speedy Blake Cowart stocks the ready room fridge.

Speedy Blake Cowart stocks the ready room fridge.

Randy Wilson uses his knowledge and gift of gab to put a smile on the face of a new fan.

Randy Wilson uses his knowledge and gift of gab to put a smile on the face of a new fan.

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The Flyer Newsletter by Col Bill Coombes

Click on the link below to be connected to the latest issue of The Flyer. Col Coombes will be producing another one before the end of the year.  Thanks, Bill, for taking over the responsibility.

HSW Flyer07-14BC

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HSW Member Appreciation Dinner & Movie Night

The High Sky Wing has the best members around and we want to show you our appreciation!

Join us at the hangar on Saturday, July 12 at 5:00 p.m.

Let’s have some fun! Come out for airplane rides (weather permitting), dinner and a movie! We’ll fire up the pit and treat you to chicken & beef fajitas, tacos, beans, chips & queso and drinks. Movie selection TBD but it will be family friendly so bring the family.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

If you are not a High Sky Wing member yet, come out and we will show you how to join.

High Sky Wing Staff

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Hangar shots 7-5-14

Under the watchful eye of Alan Haskin, a museum visitor helps his son get an up close and personal look at the T-28 cockpit.

Under the watchful eye of Alan Haskin, a museum visitor helps his son get an up close and personal look at the T-28 cockpit.

It's the Permian Basin, OF COURSE we love oil!!

It’s the Permian Basin, OF COURSE we love oil!!

A lot of visitors came out to the hangar this Saturday, including folks from Mansfield, Fort Worth, El Paso, Longview and Hawaii.  I was only in the hangar during the lunch hour and spoke with a lot of families and individuals, and handed out some HSW brochures.   The Maintenance and Operations teams have really got the hangar looking good, and visitors are impressed.  Pass the word and bring out your friends and family if they haven’t seen the “new” home of the HSW.

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