HSW Returns from Hobbs

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The wing returned from a successful trip to the now-defunct New Mexico Wing, on Sunday, Feb 23rd.  A lot of equipment was brought back, but it looks like another trip will need to be made to clean out the NM hangar.

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Upcoming Events for February

February is a busy month for Wing activities.  Upcoming Events:

Tuesday, February 4 – Staff Meeting  6:00 pm

Thursday, February 20 – Wing Meeting – social time 5:30, pot luck dinner 6:30, meeting 7:00 pm
         Guest Speaker:  Midlander Dave Swensen.  During WWII he flew AT-11s at Big Spring, then flew the B-26 and the A-26.

Friday-Sunday, February 21-23 – Recovery Mission Road Trip to Hobbs, NM
The High Sky Wing Maintenance Team has volunteered to help HQ bring the C-45, assigned to the New Mexico Wing, back to Midland.  Unfortunately, the New Mexico Wing is/has folded.  THE MISSION is to put the aircraft in flying condition to be ferried back to Midland at a later TBD date.  ALSO we will pack up, load and transport additional miscellaneous parts, etc. to HQ.  YOUR OPPORTUNITY to help.  Several individuals have agreed to take trailers and campers to Hobbs on Fri., Feb. 21 and spend the weekend to work on this project.  MEMBERS ARE WELCOME to come on Fri. OR consider driving over on Sat. morning to help with maintenance and loading trailers.  If you’d like to participate, contact Mark Haskin at pilotmah@yahoo.com 432-661-3380 or James Martin at james@deweysride.org 432-528-2729.  Please make contact ASAPfor planning purposes.

Thursday-Sunday, February 27-March 2 – Wing Staff Conference at CAF HQ
For more information and to download a registration form, go to http://www.commemorativeairforce.org/

High Sky Wing will be providing lunch for the Wing Staff Conference attendees at $10 per plate.  Plate lunch will consist of sliced brisket, sausage, beans, potato salad and all the fixin’s.  Your help is needed to make this fundraiser a success!  Needed are volunteers for food prep, set-up, cashiers, servers, clean-up and assistance in general.  Please let Gena Linebarger know that you are available to help at gena@ or 432-528-0997.  Lunch will be served from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Feb. 28.  This is a short time frame that should yield big results.

Tuesday, March 4 – Staff Meeting – 6:00 pm

Thursday, March 27 – Wing Meeting – social time 5:30, pot luck dinner 6:30, meeting 7:00 pm

Thank you to everyone that attended the annual Awards Banquet in January.  We had 70 people in attendance.  Congratulations to Colonel Mark Haskin “Colonel of the Year” and to Colonel Steve Clinton “Spirit of the Eagle” award recipients.
A tradition of the Banquet that was started in 2005 successfully continues.  Thank you to the many members who came forward and pledged to “Pay the Rent” for 2014.  Your generous donations are greatly appreciated!  If you too want to be a part of the “Pay the Rent” Club, please don’t hesitate to contact your Staff.
The Super Bowl Party on Sunday was fun for all.  45 people showed their spirit, in spite of the cold weather, and came out to the Ready Room to watch the game, eat good food and critique the commercials.

The Wing now has a Facebook page.  Friend us at www.facebook.com/HighSkyWing and keep up with activities.

HSW dues of $75 are now due for 2014.  Mail your dues to:  P.O. Box 61064, Midland. TX  79711

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Gone West – Jim Moore

It is with great sadness that we share with you that Jim Moore passed away yesterday morning.  Jim was a longtime CAF member and a very dedicated High Sky Wing member.  Jim was the very first High Sky Wing Leader when the unit was formed in 1992.  Jim spent countless hours in support of every Wing activity.  Jim was a friend to all and will be deeply missed.

Services have been scheduled for Friday, January 31st at Crestview Baptist Church in Midland, at 2:00pm.  The High Sky Wing will conduct a memorial fly-over of the church in Jim’s honor.  There will be no graveside services conducted.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Blue skies and tailwinds Jim.


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HSW Super Bowl Party

2014 Football

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Awards Banquet

Please make plans to join us at the annual High Sky Wing Awards Banquet on Saturday, January 18th in O’Brien Hall in the Commemorative Center.  Social hour will begin at 5:30 with dinner at 6:30.  Dinner will be catered by Texas Roadhouse Midland.  Cost is $20 per person payable in advance or at the door.

RSVP required to Gena Linebarger no later than noon January 13th at iblast4fun@grandecom.net or 432-528-0997.

Dress is casual.  Consider bringing a guest/prospective new member with you to the banquet.  We hope to see you there for great camaraderie with fellow Wing members.

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